суббота, 9 апреля 2016 г.

Surgical defloration video

Surgical defloration is the removal of the hymen surgically. This operation called for another, hymenectomy or hymenotomy (surgical deflamatory wrong name). The indications for this surgery are:

Surgical defloration videoOvergrown hymen (a hymen in which there is no hole, as a result in the vagina to accumulate blood, the so-called hematocolpos).
The structural features of the hymen — partitions, a very small hole.
Difficulties, severe pain when attempting to sexual intercourse, associated with the fact that a hymen is tight and not broken naturally.
non-perforated hymen, in which no hole
Non-perforated hymen, which has no holes, an absolute indication for surgery of hymenotomy
Hymen with partition
Hymen with a septum, the septum can interfere with sexual intercourse.
hymen with a very small hole
hymen with a very small hole, can be an indication for surgical defloration
Overgrown hymen is an absolute indication for surgery hymenotomy.
If teenage girl complains of severe abdominal pain and menstruation does not start, sometimes it is because the blood accumulates in the vagina, uterus, and tubes, but does not go out, because the hymen has no holes. In this case, it is necessary to make an incision in the hymen and the vagina to release from the blood. The operation of hymenotomy do usually underage girls. The details of the operation are discussed with parents. Special preparation for surgery is not required. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, lasts 5 — 15 minutes after incision and removal of blood from the vagina, the edge of the sheathe (obmanyvayut) absorbable, so they do not grow together, after the operation the vagina leave the receiver or swab, to keep the opening closed. Sometimes after surgery for two weeks is prescribed pain pills, estrogen cream or a cream with local anesthetic substance. Rinse the vagina should not be. Antibiotics are usually not prescribed. A doctor should see in a few days. In the case of increasing temperature in the postoperative period it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Occasionally prescribe hormonal pills to suppress menstruation for three to six months. Sometimes for ethical or religious reasons , and at the request of the girl's parents the hole in the hymen to leave a little to mimic the natural hymen.

Severe pain when attempting to perform normal sexual intercourse can also be an indication for surgical defloration. These difficulties happen when a dense hymen, which is badly stretched or when a special structure of the hymen when the hole is very small or there is a partition in the hole. If the first sexual intercourse was not possible and breaking the hymen has not occurred, then before going to the doctor, should in a few days to try again. If repeated attempts are unsuccessful, then the doctor decides what to do next .

There are three ways.

You can assign a girl for tampons stretch the hymen. Sometimes this method is effective.
Second method — after applying the anaesthetic cream, fingers stretch the hymen to rupture. Usually this makes the doctor.
And finally surgical defloration.
Surgical defloration is an outpatient operation. It is performed at the request of the girl. As with hematocolpos hymen is incised. Sometimes excised the dense edge of the hymen. After surgery hymenectomy (hymenotomy) is not recommended to have intercourse until complete wound healing. To bathe after surgery can, need to wash with liquid soap. Anesthetic gel with lidocaine can be used prior to urination.

What to do if there is no orgasm? Try filling point g — point Increase in the G! Best filler — hyaluronic acid.

point g point g Increases, filling point g point G Increasing G-spot the g-spot. filling
What to do if there is no orgasm? The increase in the point G (point g filling, filling the G-spot) is a new treatment method anorgasmia with filler — hyaluronic acid.
About extraordinary orgasm by stimulating the G-spot know happy women. Women who never experienced sexual pleasure, this issue does not really care, well, no orgasm and no, but for those who had experienced an orgasm, and then suddenly with age or after childbirth lost it, it is the collapse of an intimate relationship and a reduced quality of life!
But now in case of no orgasm, plastic surgeons proposed a method of increasing the point g ( point G filling ) — after which the orgasm intensifies!
In 2001, plastic surgeon and gynecologist David Matlock patented method of non-operating gain of female sexuality "G-shot". The method consists in filling the point g with a special substance — filler.

The procedure of increasing the G-spot is the filling point G. for many years was not recognized by the medical community, there was a heated debate on the topic, and whether there is a point g as a body and whether it was medical attention?
But in 2008, the international Federation of anatomical recognized the term female prostate, her in the front wall of the vagina corresponds to the g-spot And since then, disputes about what is the point JI , and is it reasonable for her to force — stopped.

Filling point JI are temporary and permanent ( permanent), the validity of the substances depends on the filler — filler substances , which enter at point G. Fillers from your own fatty tissue, collagen, Radiesse, Aquamid are longer than hyaluronic acid, but the constant fillers sometimes cause unexpected results is the omission of the vaginal wall, stress urinary incontinence, infection, etc.

The increase in the point g with filler — hyaluronic acid — refers to temporary methods of contouring. Hyaluronic acid is a natural non-hormonal substance, the complications in her introduction, inflammation and allergies are rare, but hyaluronic acid is eventually absorbed and the procedure must be repeated every six months. Hyaluronic acid does not move from the injection site.

A procedure to increase the point g is performed under local anesthesia , takes a few minutes. In the front wall of the vagina injected Gel of hyaluronic acid. This not only increases the point g, but also slightly narrows the vagina.

After the procedure, the woman and her partner easier find point g to impact.
Injection of hyaluronic acid does not affect the menstrual function of women and harmless in case of pregnancy. After substances of a G-spot woman usually can use tampons.

Alternative filling substances point g to enhance sexual sensations and easier achievement of orgasm may be the use of erotic cosmetics – the use of creams for orgasms. Such creams are inexpensive and have no side effects, as contouring.
Women whose point g is missing, and someone she deeply is, a procedure to increase the point g useless! Women who have no orgasm for this reason about 20%.

Narrow vagina with herbs Narrowing of the vagina without surgery Traditions of different peoples

Oak balls to narrow the vagina. Narrow vagina Narrow vagina
Narrow vagina — the subject of special rites and secrets of the narrowing of the vagina passed on from generation to generation. 
Folk remedies narrowing of the vagina is used locally, i.e. directly into the vagina. They rinse the vagina, rubbing the walls in the form of powder, laid in the form of vaginal balls.

Herbal remedies for narrowing of the vagina can cause allergies, burn or stenosis of the vagina, as well as surgical intervention. Do not think that once the grass is so secure. The difference only in the fact that through the narrowing of the vagina at home, the woman fully accepts responsibility for the result

Narrow vagina – the subject of much lust for men and the pride of women.

In North America for the narrowing of the vagina women have traditionally used douching or baths with the decoction of gooseberries. Gooseberries are boiled to one half Cup of berries for a full glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, then insist 4 hours. The solution is ready.
In Europe ladies had known infusion balls rich oak tannin and a decoction of the bark of witch hazel. Vagina "contracted", due to the tannin tanning.
Turmeric for narrowing the vagina is used in Asian countries immediately after birth.
In Central Asia , India, and China to narrow the vagina using the gambir plant. The broth Gambira functions like "oak balls" and witch hazel.
The ACAR serapat and CUSIP Fatimah plants from Malaysia, to this day used in prenatal training and after childbirth to strengthen the muscles of the vagina and uterine contractions. CUSIP Fatimah and enhances female libido.
In Thailand there is a plant that replaces an intimate plastic — Pueraria Mirifica, the plant is rich in phytoestrogens, and in contrast to the "drying" effect of tannin, on the contrary makes the vagina elastic and strong.
In Morocco for narrowing the vagina use the medicine made from pepper and lavender.
From ancient times came Chinese recipe art of love — two grams of sulfur are mixed with two grams of elecampane seeds of Evodia and powder of crinum. To get a beautiful and narrow vagina powder rubbed into the walls of the vagina, but if there is an overdose of powder, the vagina can close up completely.
In Siberia, in the Northern Nations , to narrow the vagina was made to "fumigate" the vagina after menstruation, eliminates smoke odors,acted rejuvenating and cleansing. The smoke obtained from burning the skins of the deer.
And in Suriname, women today use the leaves, which are called "kill somebody"" "kill someone", why this name is not know, but how to perform the procedure will tell. The leaves of "kill sumbody" gather in the jungle or buy in the market. Their brew in the kettle, pour the broth into a pot or bucket, and the woman sits down on the potty and sits for a few minutes over a steam bath. When the bath cools down, the same decoction, wash the genitals. Women are beginning to use "kill sumbody" after giving birth to narrow the vagina and use daily throughout their active sexual life, women assert that they "energize", and the husband wants more of them, because they narrow the vagina every time "as in virginity" . Men argue that due to the "kill sumbody" several times to reach orgasm!
When the tool didn't work, blame the saleswoman herbs, it is believed that if the leaves sells menstruating woman, the broth is reduced . Therefore, Surinamese women advise you to buy sheets of "kill sumbody" the old ladies.

The labiaplasty — reduction of labia — Beautiful vulva — the poet's dream

reduction labiaplasty of the labia vulva beautiful..
Beautiful vulva is the dream of not only girls, but also their loved ones , labiaplasty is an operation according to the embodiment of the dream, for when the vulva resembles the ears of a Spaniel, it is possible to live with this almost impossible, and can only help the labiaplasty — reduction of labia!
As a gynecologist, I can say with full responsibility, girls, we all have different eyes, mouths, shapes, and different vulva), are very beautiful vulva from nature, but there are — well, just a nightmare! Comes lady at the reception, moreover, that her intimate hairstyle "I have a mom fool", so also the labia resemble a scrotum centenary of the elephant. The horror! About smells, I generally keep quiet, I'll write about it separately. Sometimes I feel like saying : "Honey, You're all gentlemen so scared!"... In General, to remove excess is never too late!

So, labiaplasty is plastic surgery on the labia, there are three types of operations — reduction of labia minora, reduction of the labia majora and an increase of the labia majora — filling them with a gel (contouring).
Especially popular labiaplasty — reduction of hypertrophic labia minora.
Many women worried about not only their size , but dark and unsightly colour. PGM change their color under the influence of hormones sperm, from constant irritation and friction during sex, narrow, tight clothes, and grow under its own weight. Also plays a role drastic weight changes in female patients, hormonal changes during pregnancy, varicose veins of the labia. In addition often one sex lip significantly bigger than the other and this also causes inferiority complex in women. Almost all women are unhappy with the appearance of their genitals have a psychological problem with sex.
Historically in Europe enlarged labia is also not given, although in the Arab countries of operation of female circumcision has ancient traditions. In recent years, and European physicians agree that the task of hypertrophied lips is not only aesthetic but also functional. On exaggerated lips often there are inflammatory changes, wounds, and abrasions. But overall hypertrophy PGM is not considered a pathology.
The goal of surgery to reduce the labia to make the beautiful vulva and labia aesthetically appealing. For shy patients, vaginal rejuvenation is a chance to radically change your life! Operation and also improves the psychological status, reduces the problems associated with sex.

The first publications on plastic surgery on the vulva — vaginal rejuvenation — appeared in medical journals in 1983. In that time we have used the undercutting along the edge of the PGM, later, many doctors began to carve out a flap of stretched lips, and the edges to sew. In my opinion after the second method is a more beautiful vulva.

reduction labiaplasty of the labia vulva beautiful
reduction labiaplasty of the labia vulva beautiful
In recent years, the number of operations to reduce the labia minora is growing rapidly, especially this contributes to their promotion of outstanding athletes and Actresses who openly discuss the results of the operation of labiaplasty and its benefits. Among all plastic operations on the female genital organs — correction of the labia minora is the most popular.
Contraindications to surgery as there are none, but women with vulvitis, vaginitis, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, the operation is not shown until complete recovery.
Vaginal rejuvenation surgery lasts about an hour, the anesthesia may be local and General. If a woman chooses General anesthesia, then she has additionally undergo x-ray examination of the lungs. Sometimes perform preoperative ultrasound examination of PGM, in the cases where one sex more than the other lip.
Together with reduction of the labia minora can be performed reduction of the labia majora or surgery for the reduction or increase of the clitoris.
Before surgery vaginal rejuvenation.
The transaction volume is determined together with the patient. To better assess the degree of increase of the labia patient is examined standing. The presence or absence of pubic hair for surgery is not relevant , but in any case you should have shaved in a week, this reduces the risk of inflammation.
After surgery.
Vaginal rejuvenation is a surgical procedure one day. On the same day a woman can leave the clinic. An antibiotic ointment treated wounds immediately after surgery and then three times a day for five days. Linings are used on all the time until complete healing of wounds. To bathe after surgery vaginal rejuvenation can in two days.
After the surgery, the woman should visit the doctor in a week and then a month later. To work is possible after three days. The first four weeks to have sex and wearing tight clothes.
Complications described women who smoke — joints and inflammation.
In most cases, women remain happy with their new beautiful vulva and it improves their mood, confidence and enhances sexuality.

Wicked innocence Hymenoplasty — restoring virginity, hymen restoration, defloracija

Wicked innocence Hymenoplasty — restoring virginity, hymen restoration, defloracija
Hymenoplasty, hymen restoration, defloracija that's how many names have the restore operation virginity.
While some men attach great importance to virginity and dream to be a pioneer, some crafty women would Excel, go to any waste to slip instead of true innocence her imitation))). Remember the joke about a virgin squirrel, every time with tears to the hedgehog went to restore virginity? What the hedgehog told her? "If I had known that you were so b., I'd immediately put the zipper!")))
The problem is as old as the world! Before the bride cut the finger, crushed cranberries and thrust himself in the causal place the beets, but now they all lost sheep are reparatii — flower plant!
Actually not every woman is going to restore the hymen, the cunning and treacherous and is intended to deceive the lover, sometimes the task is to observe the national rites, to deceive society, etc. But the essence remains the same, and best restored for future virgins, is that to catch them, even the doctor, after the surgery, thread never stick, and in appearance the artificial hymen is virtually indistinguishable from the natural.
Today, medicine offers ladies several ways to restore virginity.

The first method is suitable for those girls who have after natural rupture of the hymen occurred just a few days. In this case, overlap shovchik on a fresh break. The result can be long-term.
The second method of reconstruction of the hymen — hymenoplasty short — run when after the rupture of the hymen it took some time (over a week). Old remnants of the hymen refresh small incisions, impose absorbable stitches , pull threads and create a temporary hymen. These stitches will stay a few days and then dissipate. This temporary defloracija suitable for girls who are doing this procedure on the eve of the wedding. The operation is performed not later than the week before menstruation. The duration of the operation of the temporary gimenoplastika a few minutes, the anesthesia is usually local. Performed on outpatient, home girl can go immediately after reparatii. After a brief reparatii it is recommended to make intercourse as early as possible. Of course like any other operation — short-term hymenoplasty may not be very good — the seams may diverge prematurely. The risk of the inflammatory process increases if the sex breaking the hymen and after a brief gimenoplastika happen without a condom.
The third method is the so — called long-term hymen restoration, hymenoplasty three layer, four layer, etc.
Sense operations that make a few incisions in the vagina and sew them together. The operation takes longer and the result it guarantees the preservation of virginity and through the distant time span. This outpatient surgery is technically more difficult , more expensive, it is more commonly performed under intravenous anesthesia. If applied intravenous anaesthesia should be two hours after the operation stay in the clinic under the supervision of a physician.
After this gimenoplastika scars over time can AgroVet and Vice versa to stretch. The pain from the break this artificial hymen can be more than natural defloration. The bleeding can be more, and may or may not be ( if the scars become very elastic over time)
There is another way, which is used burzhuiny, as there are always more inventions! Cheap and non-invasive way to circle the man around her finger ))) A capsule with artificial blood which is introduced into the vagina and even artificial hymen! These tweaks are inexpensive from 30 to 100 dollars, but the chance to be caught lying, still more than at surgery))).
Summary: if there are men wishing to obtain for a wife a virgin, then there are girls who are interested in how to restore the virginity and the demand for hymenoplasty will always stay stable! But do not forget:
hymens can return, but virginity cannot be refunded).

Point g, Point G video just for curious ladies

Point g, point G
Point g (the G-spot or the Grafenberg point) described by the German doctor Ernst Grafenberg in 1950 and named in his honor. In our video the G-spot is highlighted in red. Point g is a small erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina, the point of pleasure, the stimulation of which women experience a powerful orgasm. But the magical G-spot is not every woman. According to the latest data, published in the journal of obstetrical and gynaecological research in 2013, 12% of women point g, 58% it is in a specific location inside the anterior wall of the vagina, adjacent to the urethra. The other 30% of women have it, but not the exact shape. Point G is approximately at a depth of 3-6 cm from the entrance of the vagina the size of a dime. Point g is connected by nervous fibres with virgin hymen, urethra, vulva and cervix. Chemical studies show that women who have a point g, and have an orgasm, the vagina is allocated by special proteins, these proteins are absent in women who never experiencing sexual pleasure.

Ultrasound examination of the vagina allows to determine the location of point G as seal tissue between the vaginal wall and the urethra.
In 2010 a large study of twins. It was assumed that the two sisters should have the same options of a G-spot, but it turned out that it is not. The researchers concluded that the possession of the point JI — a happy accident!

Besides the Point g are located around the urethra small the Skene's gland (also called the point U) and, together with the G-spot they function like the prostate in men, therefore it is sometimes said that the point g is the analogue of the prostate and may stimulate the production of mucus is female ejaculation. From Skin glands into the urethra ejected liquid is from 5 to 20 ml Some women describe it as involuntary urination at the height of orgasm.
And in 2009 were first published Malaysian sexologist Chua Chii Enna, who in 1996 found women point A. point a and point G is located on the front wall of the vagina, but much deeper inside the anterior vaginal fornix.
Stimulation of these points leads to orgasm, but possible options for the location of erogenous zones, it is possible that in the future scientists will describe erogenous points posterior vaginal fornix, cervix, and vulva.

In addition to healthy sexual interest of men and women to the point G, as a source of extraordinary pleasure, point g represents considerable commercial interest. Clinic intimate plastics vying offer their services to increase the G-spot! So now even the most frigid lady can try their luck with just one more hit in the area where is point g!
God creating the Woman for the satisfactions men, each put on a sugar cube (one point G) , and put one-two slices. Since then all men looking for a woman very sweet woman!" So here's an old joke acquired a scientific basis!

Than vagina girls vagina is different from woman? About the vagina with love!

Vagina girls. The woman's vagina Photo Video Gates of Paradise
Than vagina girls vagina is different from woman?
The woman's vagina is different from the vagina of the girls for their maturity and sweetness!
In ancient Indian treatise the entrance of the vagina referred to as the "front gates of Paradise", means for them — heaven! Vagina is a heavenly body , the giver of love and planting a corridor of life for born baby!

And what about this heaven gives Google? Wikipedia reads: "V. – the initial division of the reproductive system of females used to copulation, the oviduct..." Fe-e-e...
And on Yandex even worse, behind entirely Wikipedia : "Download free vagina closeup" and the like.
In our culture there are only two definitions of vagina — medical and bawdy. And the relation to the vagina is the same! Many women their vagina is no love and no respect and "sensitive" vagina answers them the same, indifference and insensitivity.
The vagina is a truly amazing organ that subtly reacts to the emotions of the women from fear to euphoria, the body of seduction and conquest, the main body of female passion, the entrance and exit for a new life, a barrier to disease and control psychological balance! The woman, after a wonderful vaginal orgasm calm, healthy, active, no aggression and envy. The anatomists do not consider the vagina to the senses and it is at least misleading, because the feelings that a woman experiencing due to your vagina is much stronger than all other feelings! The vagina is the organ of happiness! But not for all, for the elite))).

So, about the vagina with love!
The appearance, structure and function of the vagina depends on the age and hormonal status of the female body.
In newborn girls, the vagina is covered by a rather thick virgin hymen, with a small hole behind which it hides, a shallow, low-extensible, thin and smooth mucosa. Sometimes a newborn girl from vagina a little blood is the response of her body to the mother's hormones. Vagina little girl has special protective properties and are easy to inflammation of the vagina.
Vagina teen girl vagina girls becomes more elastic and deep, there are transverse folds, the mucous membrane becomes multilayered, the internal environment of the vagina zakislate. In the vagina there are specific beneficial microorganisms, which perform a protective function, thanks to them, disease-causing microbes do not have the conditions for reproduction and die. Vagina girl doesn't like non-physical invasions, if a girl ( woman) begins to fiercely pan for my vagina to squirt her with all sorts of concoctions, or drugs, the natural inhabitants of the vagina are killed, and for the development of pathogenic microbes create the most suitable conditions. A healthy vagina has a sour smell, due to the Bacillus of Doderlein. If they are destroyed, the smell will change. Vagina, tortured hygienic procedures, it smells of fish. Wash the genitals you need of course, but only on the outside! Inside – NEITHER NOR!
But this retreat.
Mucous in vagina girls as they Mature it becomes more humid, the amount and consistency of normal discharge depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In gynecology, the first day of menstruation is considered the first day of a new menstrual cycle. If the cycle is regular 28 days, the first 4-6 days from vagina menstrual blood, from about 6 to day 11 of the cycle selection light, transparent, relatively liquid, the mid-cycle, 12 — 13 day, when ovulation occurs (release of an egg from the ovary), vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, they were mixed with mucus from the cervical canal, such mucus good stretch, they thin thick sperm, facilitating the penetration of sperm into the cervix in the second half of the menstrual cycle vaginal secretions become more dense, sticky and whitish, in the final hours before the arrival of the next menstruation vaginal discharge little bit intensified and become more liquid. In normal vaginal discharge are acidic and are harmful to pathogenic microorganisms and spermatozoa. Weak, poor quality sperm die and only the most tenacious and active penetrate into the uterus, to compete for the right to merge with the egg.
The number of allocations depends on the hormonal Constitution of the woman, the more female hormones — estrogen in the woman's body, the more abundant her discharge, women with wide hips and a narrow waist, heavily menstruating and vaginal discharge they also have a more abundant (tender women) than women with narrow hips, broad shoulders and a boyish figure.
The woman's vagina plays a Central role in orgasm and conception, of course, under certain conditions, pregnancy can occur in women not experiencing orgasm, but the orgasm mechanism is aimed at the absorption of sperm the uterus at the time of the contractions of the vagina, uterus, pelvic floor.. Brought a woman's vagina is tight cuff covers the member, the dome of the vagina expands and creates negative pressure. Negative pressure in the vagina supports the erection member and directs the flow of sperm into the uterine cavity. The woman's vagina has the amazing ability to "adapt" to the phallus of any size, but this adaptation only happens if the woman feels strong sexual arousal. In this case, if the clitoris is the starting area, the vagina is the sexual epicenter of the explosion (though not for all women). In the vagina are the famous erogenous points G, A, U, PS and K, in some women these areas are the size of a coin, the other entire surface of the vagina — solid erogenous zone.
During pregnancy the vagina becomes more elastic and folded, separation usually worse, vaginal secretions become more acidic — this is a protective reaction of the body against many pathogenic microbes.
In childbirth the vagina is stretched so that it is able to skip the baby weight and even up to five to six kg. but sometimes there are gaps, this is more common in first births. In the postpartum period the woman's vagina very quickly recovers its former shape, is reduced and compacted. The vagina of a woman "ripens" during labor, more births, so it is more sensitive to erotic stimulation. An experienced gynecologist can always tell a loose and juicy vagina parous women from the more constricted and closed the vagina nulliparous (if the birth was vaginally and not by caesarean section), some very observant physicians can appearance of the vagina and shape of a woman, even to determine what sex do women children!
In the waning sexual function during menopause, the vagina gradually becomes thinner, drier, more vulnerable, but no less sensitive than in his youth, and a woman who knows her body and is related to vagina with love, may experience orgasm to a ripe old age.

Hymen. Where is located and how it looks

Anatomy of the hymen
Hymen (hymen) — a thin delicate membrane that covers the vagina, is the most mysterious part of the female body , the entrance of the gate of Paradise, the boundary between the outer and inner female sex organs. Hymen is a virgin — girls , girls and women who do not live a sexual life, but about a quarter of all women the hymen is absent since birth. During sexual intercourse the hymen is broken, in people it is called defloration, but in medical language deflowering. A intact hymen is also called the Virgo, Crown of innocence or the Vaginal corona.
Terrible stories about terrible pain and the bleeding is nothing but a myth. In nature provided that the woman did not die from pain shock and bleeding on the wedding night. In hymen little vessels and they have a specific feature — good reduced. Nerve endings is not too much. So rupture of hymen is accompanied by slight pain and slight bleeding. And some women he's so thin and flexible that can be maintained up to the birth. And in rare cases, and at birth it is not broken.
And sometimes vaginal corona is very durable and does not tear during the first intercourse. If subsequent attempts it prevents the intercourse, then in such cases do a small operation to remove it. This operation is called a surgical defloration.

Where is hymen ?
Hymen is located between the urethra and the perineum, on the vagina. Sometimes it is on the same level with the perineum ( the perineum — the skin between the opening of the rectum and vagina), and occasionally the hymen may be one inch deeper, as if immersed in the vagina.

Looks like hymen?
Hymen vaginal corona looks like a thin film with a hole in the middle. This is the most common form.

Vaginal crown sometimes with a few holes. Through these small holes during menstruation blood comes. Occasionally the hole is absent from birth, so called congenital atresia of the hymen. This is an anomaly and it may be accompanied by absence of the vagina (atresia of the vagina) and defects of internal genitalia.

The hole in the hymen happens — annular, semilunar, sickle-shaped, with a partition or a perforated ( lots of holes as a sieve). Hole size from a few millimeters to 2-3-4 see the edges of the holes may be smooth and flat, or with petals. Sometimes the hole has a carved edge like a fringe, well-stretched and may not be torn at the first sexual contact, and blood may not be. If the edges are rugged form, it is difficult to define — it is so laid or the nature of the consequences of this gap. Sometimes forensic purposes it is necessary to change the size of the hole using a special device — gimnomera.

Rupture of the hymen. Normal gap occurs at first sexual intercourse, as the hymen opening size is smaller than the male member. But if the hole is large or very flexible membrane or member is small , the bleeding may not be. Sometimes the hymen rupture can occur in trauma , or medical procedures.
The medical name for the gap D. P. — defloration (literally, the removal of the flower).
After the rupture of the hymen gradually heals and leaves on the edges of the entrance to the vagina is small papillae, or scraps — scraps. But if there was a deep trauma to the hymen and vagina, sometimes it can be their full secondary overgrowth. When female circumcision is a common result of a crippling ritual.
Bleeding may not be at all or it slightly drop blood, if the bleeding is significant , then the likely cause is the disruption of blood coagulation at the girl.

Hymen restoration.
The restoration of the hymen is a brief surgical procedure in which the edges of the hymen sewn and subsequent sexual intercourse this is the newly created hymen is torn and bleeding occurs, which, incidentally, is usually more natural. The operation is called hymenoplasty. Make it as a rule in private gynaecological centers or clinics.

Doctor A. Chirkova

Uterine prolapse surgery. Prolapse of the vaginal operation. Every fifth patient remains unsatisfied with the result!

Uterine prolapse surgery. Prolapse of the vaginal operation.
Operation for prolapse of uterus, operation for prolapse of the vagina enables you to fix an anatomical defect of the vagina, but does not relieve patients from the related unpleasant symptoms. Every fifth patient remains unsatisfied with the result! 

The first attempts of treatment of uterine prolapse surgery, vaginal prolapse surgery, prolapse of uterus and bladder, dated 2000 BC, Hippocrates describes the techniques of reduction of the uterus, the uterus was right, if she was pink if she was a black woman was doomed, the first mention of an attempt to cut the "black womb" refers to the year 98 of our era — and SBRAS from Rome. The first successful surgery after which the patient survived , was made by the woman herself and described Willouby in 1670! Peasant Face Rawas suffered so much from the drop of the uterus, the uterus itself slashed off with a knife, and despite the bleeding survived, but the truth is life after that suffered from urinary incontinence.

Modern surgery uses a lot of different techniques that enable you to recover degraded organs in place and reduce the unpleasant symptoms that accompany uterine prolapse Surgery generally improve the quality of life in 80% of patients. Complications depend on the condition of the patient, the chosen technology, and the skill of the surgeon. In 90-95% of the operations for prolapse of the uterus and vagina cannot eliminate the anatomical defect, but nevertheless, every fifth patient remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the operation.

I will spare you the details of the operations for prolapse of the uterus. Technically it is a complex surgery! The main difficulty that is desirable in one sitting to solve all the problems related to pelvic organ prolapse! Otherwise, there is a need for a second surgery!

There are categories of patients with uterine prolapse surgery which is obviously undesirable.
So it is better to avoid surgery in patients for a long period of time on hormone therapy, not too good prognosis in patients with diabetes and in older patients.

The indication for surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse is defined individually! 
When uterine prolapse surgery depends on:

Medical condition and age of the patient.
The severity of symptoms.
Take into account the wishes of the patient.
The doctor evaluates the patient to undergo surgery or not.
Evaluates the symptoms and the function of all the pelvic organs!!!
Determines the state of the mobility of the urethra
Finds out whether the symptoms of pelvic neuropathy.
And considers whether earlier surgery in the pelvis.
Surgery for prolapse of the uterus
Surgery for genital prolapse eliminate an anatomical defect of the vagina, but do not guarantee improvement of sexual function or relief from pelvic pain!!!!

The contraindications for surgery for prolapse of vagina /uterus are determined on the basis of severity of comorbidities. When small asymptomatic prolapse of the vaginal operation is best avoided!

So, 20% of patients remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the operation for prolapse of the uterus, what is fraught with a particular type of operation?

Front colporate often complicated by postoperative incontinence. Postoperative urinary incontinence after the front corporatii suffers almost a third of patients! Attention! Before surgery for prolapse or vaginal surgery for prolapse of the uterus should be performed tests that assess the function of bladder and, if necessary, simultaneously with corporatia corrects urinary incontinence.
Specific and a very frequent complication of the back corporatii — pain during sex, pain during sex experiencing each 2 patient, which was made back corporate!!!
A very unpleasant complication of surgery for prolapse of the vagina — colporate, which may cause serious depression of the patient is reduction of sexual sensitivity. Every tenth patient loses the ability to orgasm! Read the article — sex and orgasm after vaginoplasty!
The use of mesh implants in 13% of cases complicated by the development of inflammation in the pelvis, the formation of fistulas and ulcers of the vagina, narrowing of the vagina, thinning of the mucosa and the release of the mesh into the vagina through ulcerative defect and chronic pain! Also such operations for prolapse of the uterus or vagina are often accompanied by increased vaginal discharge, bleeding, incontinence! Sometimes grid must be removed!
Fixation of the uterus to the sacrum also has its own "trouble"- incontinence after surgery occurs in 12% of patients and pain during sex 10%, pain in the buttocks at 6%, cystocele develops in 8% of cases, fecal incontinence in 4% of women!!! Injury of the ureter, too frequent complication of the operation for prolapse of the uterus.
Prolapse of the vaginal operation. Conclusion:
There is an axiom Raed "Patient without symptoms can'T feel better from medication or surgery!!!" So if there is no symptoms in any case it is not necessary to resort to surgical correction of pelvic organ prolapse!

Kegel Exercises

Sex and orgasm after vaginoplasty, narrowing of the vagina — expectations and reality..

So is there orgasm after vaginoplasty or not, what the true quality of sex after surgical narrowing of the vagina? The question of course interesting and not easy!
It is clear that not all women get turned on by his orgasm, not all women experience vaginal orgasm, and of course, there are those who don't even know what it was about.
It all depends on what value sex and orgasm gives a woman going for a vaginoplasty. A vaginoplasty do for medical reasons (the prolapse of the vaginal walls, scarring of the vagina, fistula) and women (sometimes women voluntarily Express the desire to narrow the vagina).
If all this confusion with narrowing of the vagina is done by order of the beloved, that he was better beloved, it is probably worth it.
As for only yourself, improve your own sexual life and orgasm after vaginoplasty, then our ladies are ABSOLUTELY misinformed!
On all the sites of plastic surgeons and clinics intimate surgery reported that the quality of sex improves in some articles that promote the for vaginoplasty rejuvenation of the vagina, is written that a woman who had never experienced orgasm gain the ability to test it.
But then as always, advertising imposture)!
The woman began to experience orgasm after the removal of the erogenous zones (which is the way many operations are performed narrowing of the vagina), should be taken special measures (e.g. additional actions with the Clit - the exposure of the glans of the clitoris, excision of the hood of the clitoris or special contouring of the G-spot or manipulation, which is called O-shot) for this:

The question of preservation of erogenous zones in advance should be discussed with your doctor.
The doctor should be focused on the preservation of orgasm, the patient!
To date, the gynaecologists who perform plastic operations on the vagina, generally ignored the issue — not thinking about the woman's orgasm, dissected very decent areas of the mucosa in the area of location of G-spot and other sensitive erogenous zones!

Respect for the woman's orgasm — a very sensitive subject. In Western medicine, this is called the patient-oriented approach, i.e. the patient must be fully informed of all the pros and cons of different surgical techniques, about alternative non-surgical methods exist for the correction of its individual problems and deciding on which treatment is taken with its wishes.

So, we are not lazy, go through online reviews women about orgasm and sex after vaginoplasty and found the following: on the forums, where patients share experiences about sex after vaginoplasty:

Some women write about improving the quality of sex to their elected representatives.
Other women write about satisfaction with the aesthetic part of the operation.
Others have noted some improvement in stress urinary incontinence.
We didn't find any answer or comment where the woman wrote – Oh, my God!!! My orgasm was brighter and more beautiful!
And the most sad that some women write about the deep sense of depression due to the loss of orgasm!
Here the cry of the soul: "it's been a long time after the vaginoplasty, I was expecting early to talk about results, but for the past 2.5 years, as I can't feel or barely feel it during sex! The curse! What to do with this?! On the sites I write only about pain, which may be within a few weeks and I have never read that you can lose sensitivity! The doctor says I have a good cosmetic result of vaginoplasty, the vagina has a nice shape and no urinary incontinence, but no help to me! Lack of orgasm after vaginoplasty has become a serious problem and a threat to my marriage! I've always had a very strong orgasm and it was my feature! Emotionally I am very depressed! I lost my awesome sex life! I pay after each sex! And my husband also feels worse — my vagina is no longer able to contract and he feels it! Is it possible to do something? Help!"

And here itself begs the question : "What is stronger traumatize the woman — lack of orgasm or incontinence?"
Of course, in case of severe prolapse or dropped uterus, vagina, bladder or rectum vaginoplasty is done for medical reasons, but in all cases, if you can avoid surgery , it is better to avoid it. There is a special Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and start treatments with them, not with surgery!

Vaginal orgasm — what distinguishes the good fairy from the evil witch?

Vaginal orgasm vaginal orgasmAbout a clitoral orgasm is written , more than you could read in a lifetime, but a vaginal orgasm is not as thoroughly studied. Stimulation of the clitoris leads to the excitation of almost all women, orgasm may not occur, or stepped surface at the level of the clitoris, but may be involved in the orgasm of the vagina, (the latter, alas, is not given by God to every woman). Even Freud interpreted the clitoral orgasm as a youthful stage of development of sexuality and the vaginal orgasm was considered the true dignity of Mature women. Some women are permanently stuck in the youth period.

The woman experiencing and clitoral and vaginal orgasm, a vaginal orgasm feel like a more powerful source of satisfaction. Sometimes vaginal clitoral orgasm precedes that gives pleasure, but does not bring a full discharge remains Intrusive and arousal, if to continue the sexual act, the subsequent vaginal orgasms more powerful and complete. A vaginal orgasm occurs when stimulation of points G, A, U, PS, K, and brings the woman a very powerful psycho-physiological relaxation, simple — brings the feeling of happiness and gratitude. If a woman is fully satisfied it occurs such a peaceful state where anxiety and aggression reduced to zero, and the efficiency is increased by 100 points! A good fairy is ready to fulfill all desires! She would COO gently, gently purring like a cat and to please her lover in every possible way. The state of complete relaxation is typical for vaginal orgasm! The duration of the relaxation of an individual, to several days or even weeks! Sexologists masters and Johnson very aptly named it the "afterglow".
A clitoral orgasm is fun, but gives such a complete and lasting sense of satisfaction! This clitoral kitty five minutes pearlike, and five minutes later asks for a new coat:-).

But there are situations directly opposite, when a woman is aroused but not satisfied! This may be a case of insufficient clitoral stimulation or over-stimulation, and if stimulation is insufficient voltage sexual excitement gradually subsides, causing some physical discomfort, but generally do not lead to decreased performance, mood and depression, over-stimulation when nedovedennye to orgasm sexual intercourse (even once) is experienced as an acute mood disorder and acute physical comfort! If it happened once — it is possible that kitty claws! But if such experiences accompany every sexual act or almost every, it is not surprising that the young lady becomes furious witch hysterical, aggressive and unbearable to others and ssiiia like a snake on the whole world or rushes like an angry lioness...
So, sex without orgasm harmful to the fragile female psyche!
But even smart ladies are not always able to tell her lover that they are unsatisfied...
What's the solution?

The most important thing to admit to herself that such a sexual relationship You don't like! And then there are several possibilities!
First — and most constructive — talk to HIM and teach him senseless, to bring You pleasure, useless to say something like "not as ... not as...", you say or show "as you like" and "what he must do."
Second — not less than constructive to stop sweating and to stop such painful relationships because if You haven't nailed her lover, tomorrow you will kill not only him, but anyone in the neighborhood!
The third — not the most creative option, but as a disposable tool quite useful — the "I-itself".
Fourth — if all of these methods are not suitable, is to drink, pray, and land on alternate aerodrome...
Fifth – to take the duty of the "sable" or "mink" or ....
Sixth .... or ...there are options....

All! All lots of vaginal orgasms and sexual delight!

Kegel exercises the Kegel

Kegel exercises the Kegel is a unique opportunity to train pubococcygeus muscle as recommended by the author.
Around the kegels goes very much speculation.
Very often the "kegels" are called all sorts of gymnastics, which has no relation to the Pins.
When performing Kegel exercises do not have the gymnastic techniques with muscle tension in the abdomen or buttocks or legs, etc., the body's position in space does not change. Most importantly, the pins did not recommend any exercises STRAINING. As for all kinds of devices, the Kegel suggested the use of perineometer and all the modern fixtures have nothing to do with the name of Arnold Kegel. Feature of Kegel exercises that required a GYNECOLOGIST, instructor at first. Without the help of a gynecologist, the patient can not independently determine to feel which muscle you need to train.
So, to be clear, what actually recommended the Kegel — read translation of the article:

A new method of diagnosis and non-surgical treatment in the initial stages of the pelvic organs.

Dr. Arnold Kegel
About a third of all women suffer from a varying degree of relaxation of the pelvic floor. This phenomenon depending on the severity is usually described as a weak perineum, cystocele, rectocele, uterine prolapse - these are all symptoms of an inadequate condition of the neuro muscular apparatus of the pelvic. All this is accompanied by many complications, including inflammatory disease and in previously healthy women. A minor degree of prolapse is not an indication for surgical treatment and women experience discomfort in the flourishing age. Early diagnosis and fiziologicheskaya therapy, consisting of training and practice gives encouraging results .

For early diagnosis and successful treatment of minor prolapse of the genitals were surveyed 3,000 women. The condition of prolapse of the genitals was found in women after normal and complicated deliveries, with modern obstetric aid, after caesarean section, and primiparous, and even virgins.
The presence of childbirth in history was otalkuser factor, however, was not a mandatory condition of prolapse of the genitals.
There are many women with a good condition of the pelvic muscles, as a virgin, even after re-delivery or after a difficult delivery.
A large number of women surveyed suggests that nulliparous women and mothers are equally likely to have complaints of pelvic discomfort, urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.
Certainly, childbirth and menopause was a predisposing factor for early symptoms or their worsening. Initially, most women have minimal complaints, as they progression of women start to believe that this is a common fee for motherhood.

Examination of the pelvis
Introducing non-surgical method of therapy, it must be emphasized that in the examination of the pelvis has features.
Used to women to confirm the diagnosis the doctor suggested will potushitsya to determine the degree of cystocele, rectocele, and prolapse of the genitals. This was justified because there was no other treatment methods in addition to the pessary, and surgical treatment.
Now offering non-surgical method of treatment, we ask a woman to suck their organs, because we need to determine how impaired muscular function.
So we can assess the potential functional reserve, which we will need in the course of therapy.

External examination
The first stage is external examination, which is carried out on the gynecological chair
In women with prolapse of the pelvic floor is marked sagging of the perineum, dehiscence of the vulva between the buttocks, exposure of the vaginal mucosa and eversion of the anus,
At an early stage, these features are less pronounced. Women of both groups cannot retract the perineum.

A study with a single finger
The second stage — vaginal examination with one finger.
Two-finger palpation of the tissues of the vaginal canal under tension-tension distorts anatomical correlation. The mirror is not used since it is important to examine the middle third of the vagina.
Any reductions in the middle third of the vagina, between the entrance of the vagina and neck usually occur with the participation of the pubococcygeus muscle is a key muscle of the pelvis. This is usually the strongest muscle of the female pelvis. Pubococcygeus muscle surrounds the neck of the bladder, the middle part of the vagina and the rectum, and gives a bit of fine fibers of the internal organs.

Using the index finger need to find the bottom edge of the pubic coccygeal muscle which is palpable at a distance of 1-2 cm from the entrance of the vagina, its position is determined by the tension from the beginning to the frontal bone until it ends at the tailbone. Muscle can be felt if you ask the patient to strain the pelvic floor. Normal thickness of the muscle 3 cm And in patients with weakening of the pelvic floor this muscle can be as thick as a pencil.
In the area where reductions can be identified palpated the position of the pubococcygeus muscle. In the normal state of the pelvic floor, reduction is defined in the lower and in the upper segment, and at relaxation muscle the bag hangs like a hammock, supporting the urogenital diaphragm and the only thing you can feel is a reduction in the gate area of the vagina.

Contractions of pubococcygeus muscle can be assessed by palpation with two fingers, or more accurately using perineometry. Power reduction 5 mm Hg — evidence of the weakness of reduction, against 20-50 mm in normal with good muscle development. The mean values correspond to the edge state. The survey is discussed with the patient to clarify the degree of discomfort and to determine further tactics of training and exercises.

Physiological therapy
In all cases of weakening of the pelvic floor shows the physiological therapy that can be used for prophylactic, curative or for palliation or as an adjunct to surgical treatment or the wearing of a pessary.
As a preventative measure or for therapeutic purposes physiological treatment in any period of woman's life, but is especially recommended for newlyweds, during pregnancy, after childbirth and during menopause.
Even in advanced cases, muscle tissue is and means can successfully be trained.
Surgical treatment is used when the hernia of the perineum, prolapse of the bladder and rectum and in case of advanced genital prolapse. In the preoperative period physiological therapy helps to increase the number and quality of the muscle fibers and reduce the amount of interference, physiological therapy in the postoperative period facilitates early rehabilitation and recovery of function of the pelvic floor, and prevents the recurrence of genital prolapse. Pessaries during physiological therapy can be reversed, and contraceptive rings decrease in size.
Non-surgical treatment of genital relaxation and demonstrations focused on the training of the pubic coccygeal muscle
Impressive that improvement is achieved by training a single muscle. Also improves the function of the sphincters and sexual function is restored.

Muscle training.
At the first stage of physiological therapy is "training" the muscles.
A woman with genital prolapse has problem with pubic-PC muscle and you have to learn to define (to feel) this muscle. Instructions how to develop the muscle function through its own efforts.
At the time when the patient produces contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, the physician positions the tip of your finger on pubococcygeus muscle and every time he feels the reduction, it shall inform the patient, giving her some cuts efficient which are not. "That's right! Please remember this acronym! Do this exercise many times a day, while the bodies will be in place".
The patient should not do any effort other muscles, including should not reduces the muscles of the buttocks or stomach or chest muscles!

The use of perineometry. After 5-10 correct reduction perineometer is introduced into the vagina and the doctor together with the patient see the gauge and strength of contractions. A woman can practice the exercises with the apparatus in the treatment room for 5-10 minutes, while the doctor checks the correctness of reductions and gives instructions.
Exercises perineometry used in order to:

  • To acquire the positive result without delay.
  • To restore the function of the pubic coccygeal muscle to the level of healthy women.
  • Develop the power of many small muscle fibers concentrate Czech and lateral to these muscle fibers worked together with the main muscle , rather than building her resistance.

The basic physiological principle that muscle will increase its force only at repeated repetition of exercises. The woman, seeing the results day by day on the manometer, and inspired to continue the exercise.
The patient should work with perineometer 20 minutes two or three times a day.
To quickly reach the woman and without perineometer to exercise its muscle 5 to 10 times every half hour, and also to do exercise to interrupt urination several times a day, whenever she urinates.
Women with genital relaxation and having fascial support in the pelvis is muscular, over the years you get used to and their feelings and consider their pelvic floor normal. In addition, in order to accustom the patient to the new sensations of muscular support, it is recommended to raise the crotch a few times in the morning before she got up out of bed and start the day with pull-UPS of the perineum and hold it in this position.
This daily morning ceremony should become a habit, feeling elevated and held in this condition, the perineum should be unconditional reflex without any external force.
The survey shows that such exercises are much more effective than surgery to repair the fascia.

The subsequent examination.
Subsequent medical examination should be carried out at intervals of 1 to 3 weeks . Approximately 75% of patients reported the successful use of the exercise and reduce the symptoms within a few weeks.
When the patient is lying down, the exercise by pulling and holding the crotch should be repeated , especially at home and with the registration success on perineometry or perform this exercise without perineometer. This gives the physician the opportunity to monitor the result of the exercise pubococcygeus muscle. This is an additional encouraging sign that the patient may perform the movement of the perineum and bladder control or to tighten the bladder in cystocele at each exercise — reducing.
Fingertip doctor has consistently in the lower segment , the middle segment and the top segment of the pubic coccygeal muscle and acknowledges tone, tension, thickness of the muscle. Perineometer records the strength of the contractions. Usually registers a pressure increase on the 1-5 mm in comparison with the results of the first visit, if the exercises are done correctly. However, if the pressure suddenly rises to 20 mm above and this is indicative that the patient is using accessory muscles.
Volume of exercise is not limited, the more correct cuts would be made, the faster and more stable result will be obtained, and a new reflex becomes a habit, "I make cuts and tighten the crotch without thinking about it."
If during the second or third visit, the patient noted improvement or examination does not show early signs of improvement, it is immediately discussed: or the woman persists in its exercise, or straining the wrong muscles. In cases of muscle fatigue, it is evident after 3 or 4 cuts.
An interesting observation that in the case of incontinence and dyspareunia in women are more Executive than in the case of border States.

Complications with the treatment.
If a woman complains that she found it difficult to do the exercises that she has tired muscles or increased nervousness, you need to ask her to demonstrate how she performs exercises at home, she probably wrong tenses with involvement of the abdominal muscles, buttocks, lower back and even the respiratory diaphragm. Dizziness may be, if a woman engages in muscle, makes the breath-hold. The most dangerous symptom is the fulfillment naturewise instead of just pulling the crotch, POI all the symptoms of prolapse can worsen.
Approximately 15% of women incorrectly find yourself pubic coccygeal muscle and in that case you have to repeat the instruction. These women are encouraged to focus home exercises to stop urinating or the idea that they control the urge to use the toilet.
If a woman is able to combine arbitrary acronyms with the effort usual for her, you can be sure that it uses at least a portion of pubococcygeus muscle. As soon as will achieve minimal contraction of this muscle, the patient can be transferred to regular homework sessions with perineometer or without him. The duration of training and the efforts depend on how pronounced were the symptoms initially.
When there is a break after a difficult childbirth or operations in the pelvis , it is possible that the muscle flap was sewn to the fascia with the formation of fibrosis. Fascia is not as elastic as the murine tissue, but in this case, a regular exercise program can achieve significant progress.

The result of muscle training, performed correctly, is interesting from a clinical and from a scientific point of view. It shows that there is a connection between the support function of the pelvis, the function of the sphincters, sexual function and have their interactions, also have the control of motility and sensitivity. Instead of the usual practice of treating all these disorders separately, a new method of treatment of the soft tissues of the pelvis, neuromuscular units, allows you to achieve the best results in General, the treatment of certain disorders.
With improved support functions of the pubococcygeus muscle of the pelvic floor lifted (it provides a permanent effect), it pulls all the pelvic organs and their sphincters in a more physiological state. The sphincters of the vagina, urethra and rectum are also beginning to act more consistently, sexual function is improved by lengthening and narrowing of the vagina, improves the contact and sensitivity of the vagina. Patients report improved sexual sensations and relief from discomfort during sexual intercourse. Is enhanced and vaginal orgasm.
Improved circulation as a result of the training leads to a decrease of stagnation in the pelvis, which is accompanied by improved hydration of the mucous membranes and the reduction of the residual tension in the muscles of the pelvic floor.
In this clinical study, special attention was paid to the early symptoms of genital prolapse, as training therapy can improve quality of life of women flourishing age.
The development of genital prolapse coincides with certain eras in a woman's life when the signs of prolapse first can be spotted and alleviated:

Adolescence and early adulthood — symptoms of insolvency of the bladder.
Early marital period, sexual dysfunction and pain during urination
During pregnancy
Weak muscle tone in the pelvis
Loss of function of the pubic coccygeal muscle
The inability to create pressure in the vagina more than 5 mm Hg.PT.
In the period after birth
Delay uterine contractions with or without bleeding,
Incomplete recovery of contractile function of the pelvic muscles, especially in the middle part of the vagina, bladder, rectum and perineum,
Pelvic fatigue, decreased sensitivity,
Violation of sensitivity of the vagina
In adulthood, problems with urinary incontinence, occasional or constant nocturia — may be an early symptom of degenerative processes in the pelvis that can be prevented with exercise.
The amount of restored function of the female pelvis, as one of education, confirmed positive obstetric and urological observations.
The effectiveness of antenatal exercises described by Bushnell in monitoring 800 pregnant women in whom he observed the closure of the vagina in 24 hours after birth, cystocele was noted in any of his patients.
During 1948 in the clinic of the medical faculty of the University of southern California and at the state General hospital of Los Angeles, all the patients with urinary incontinence were examined using perineometry for further physiological therapy. Surgical treatment was deferred for seven years and positive results have been reported by many doctors in the U.S. and other countries. Part they due before surgery were aimed on the physiological treatment and after his adventures in the need for surgery has disappeared.

The signs and symptoms of General weakening of the pelvic floor can be recognize until the first pregnancy or to the development of degenerative changes during menopause. Total
the weakening is the result of prolonged neuromuscular dysfunction that may be prevented or cured muscle training, except in rare cases muscle injury. Features of the examination , diagnosis and psychological treatment are described.

Other articles describing the Kegel exercises:
Kegel exercises in the article "Nonsurgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence"
Kegel exercises the "non-Surgical treatment of genital prolapse" 1948
Kegel exercises during sexual dysfunction caused by a breach in the pubic coccygeal muscle. 1952

Large labia minora? Do not rush to cut!

Large labia. Ask the opinion of men?
Large labia — it is not a pathology — it is normal. But modern women think that large labia is ugly and the demand for plastic surgery to reduce the labia minora is growing steadily. And although tastes differ, I will Express my medical opinion.
The labia is a very sensitive erogenous zone, third largest after the clitoris and vagina, and to cut off the labia is tantamount to a voluntary abandonment of sexual pleasure. No, of course, after the operation of resection of the labia minora Western women are not made entirely frigid, and even on the contrary, many get rid of complexes and become more liberated in sex. But cutting such an important erogenous zone for the sake of beauty? Not too high a price? There are certainly cases where large labia are very much hypertrophied and do not look too aesthetically pleasing, but a woman going for labiaplasty has the right to know what she's sacrificing).
So, a few words in defense of large labia minora.

  • Large labia — a sign of good development of the reproductive system and on the activity of hormones. The same applies to pigmentation of the labia and perineum. These women often complain of vaginal dryness, pain during sex and lack of libido. In the language of gynaecologists such women are called "juicy".
  • In some national cultures, large labia is a sign of women's sexuality, women are proud of them and especially their increase. So Dutch scientists Marian Koster and Lisa Price researched ethnic sexual rituals the women in Rwanda and found that among random no anorgasmia. Large labia women of Rwanda — their physiological feature, the labia are 4-5 cm beyond the genital slit and without special exercises. But also from early childhood, the mother teaches the girl to stretch labia, and then the girls do it themselves until marriage, they apply a special antibacterial plants to care and improve the elasticity of the genitals. Female sexual pleasure part of everyday life, and large labia — an integral part of the enjoyment. And the woman with the biggest small sex lips, long 18 cm, proud of them and is listed in the Guinness book of world records. Even the who has recognised that national tradition stretching of the labia are more beneficial than harmful, and neither refers to the customs, crippling the psyche and body of women.
  • The Hottentot ideal of female beauty — the "Hottentot Venus" – Sara Bartman, a circus artist, which in the nineteenth century was brought from South Africa to Europe and it is famous for its unusual (in the European view of anatomy), she had an unusual form of large pelvis and labia majora.
  • On the Islands of Micronesia girls from childhood adorn labia bells, which symbolizes the vaginal izobilie, the larger labia and Clit, the more the girl can be proud of its intimate appearance!
  • The North Indians adopted at birth girls keep on her genitals bottle gourd, asking the gods that her sexual organs have grown large and healthy!
  • In Japan the most beautiful her labia are considered large labia in the shape of a butterfly!
  • Large labia during sex actively moisturize and have their characteristic odor. Men call women with this smell musky and have for them a strong instinctive attraction.

Reviews about labiaplasty. Failed labiaplasty. Complications of vaginal rejuvenation.

feedback on the unsuccessful labiaplasty labiaplasty complications
Review patients failed labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation complications occurs in about 10% of cases. Negative reviews about labiaplasty and information about the complications especially are not disclosed. And if a plastic surgeon botched vaginal rejuvenation is an unfortunate misunderstanding, for women it is sometimes a life drama! Photo of failed vaginal rejuvenation at the end of the article.
Here is a review left by the patient on a botched labiaplasty on one of the medical forums: "it has been five days since I did a labiaplasty . My genitals look awful and I am suffering from the pain, and I think it was the most stupid act in my life. I very much regret that did it. Is it possible to restore everything as it was, until I happened complete healing?"
Alas! To recover all as was impossible!
Interest of negative reviews about labiaplasty are both doctors and prospective clients. We analyzed the negative reviews about labiaplasty and did a small review that is submitted to your attention.
Failed labiaplasty involves the occurrence of various complications. In fairness it should be noted that complications of vaginal rejuvenation are not very common. But there are always potential risks, which you'd better know in advance:

Negative reviews about labiaplasty are often mentioned in connection with a reduction in sexual sensitivity of the labia. It is natural and predictable complication, it should be expected. The labia is a very important female erogenous zone and, cutting off part of the body, can naturally occur a complete or partial loss of sensation in the labia!
Review patients failed vaginal rejuvenation this is a rough outline of the labia minora, or uneven pigmentation after surgery IPY, scar and adhesions, asymmetry of the lips. All of these problems after surgery meet on a regular basis. The disappointment in the genitals after surgery — it certainly is not a complication of vaginal rejuvenation, but the frustration! According to different studies the patient recognize a failed labiaplasty in 5-11 % of cases.
Bleeding in the reviews about the labiaplasty is mentioned rarely. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory pills increase the risk of bleeding. If a woman is taking antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants, the advisability plastic surgery cosmetic purpose is in great doubt.
Wound infection – this is certainly an unfortunate complication of vaginal rejuvenation . Poor wound healing is more common in women smokers, and inflammation of the vulva in women that early start sexual life after the operation. Treatment should be taken immediately, as soon as the woman noticed that the edges of the wound separated. Sometimes treated conservatively, sometimes requires repeated surgery. The risk of infection is higher in women who have menstruation. Surgery is contraindicated for women with inflammatory diseases of genitals and STDs.
Joints often mentioned in the reviews of vaginal rejuvenation with V shaped resection (excision of the triangular flap) and window trapezoid resection. The dehiscence is accompanied by increased pain in the labia and the appearance of holes on the seam or the edges of the wound have a triangular defect.
Swelling of the labia of the vaginal rejuvenation — sometimes lasts a very long time — up to several months, fortunately, the swelling eventually goes away, but generally can remain swollen for life.
Pain and burning after surgery are the cause of negative reviews about the labiaplasty. When regional longitudinal resection of the pain last longer. All women without exception experience pain, and as they are healing. If the pain does not pass more than a month should see a doctor. Sometimes the pain is very intense and reduce performance. To prevent pain it is recommended to take analgesics, lubricating labia gel with lidocaine, especially before urinating. Sex is not recommended within four to six weeks. Occasionally pain becomes chronic.
Prolonged healing and decreased performance for a few months to half a year is a frequent complication of vaginal rejuvenation and depends on the nature of a woman. In sedentary work, when you work with a long drive, especially on a motorcycle, Bicycle, equestrian sports healing can be delayed significantly. Clearly, in this case, the woman evaluates the result as a failure.
Remote reviews about the labiaplasty sometimes with time there is change in appearance of IPY. During pregnancy or after a sudden change in body mass or with age of the patient type of MPG may be worse. It's unpredictable and not directly related to the operation of vaginal rejuvenation, but there is always that risk.
Insidious complications are possible with General anesthesia and occasionally mentioned in the negative reviews .
Failed labiaplasty results in the need for repeat surgery or other additional surgery . Plastic surgery is not an exact science and despite the estimated positive effect there are no guarantees.

Many women leave negative reviews about labiaplasty in the absence of target health insurance. In most cases, insurance does not cover plastic surgery such as vaginal rejuvenation, because it has no medical indication, and operation is done by a woman's desire for aesthetic purposes.

Negative reviews about labiaplasty related to financial aspect. Surgery is not cheap and full liability lies with the patient, even when complications arise. Including the patient herself pays for a hospital stay, if required, and also all costs for additional treatment or another operation, with the development of complications vaginal rejuvenation .

So, the beauty demands victims!
With one hand plastic surgeons promise a successful operation and ethereal beauty of the labia on the other hand possible botched labiaplasty and related complications! Conscious attitude to their own loved one and a single body will help to make the right choice!
You can read more about some of the benefits hypertrophied labia minora in the article: Large labia? Do not rush to cut!
To view photos of vaginal rejuvenation, click on the center of the picture. A new window will open PHOTO bad labiaplasty. Click on "Tweet" and "Like"!

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