суббота, 9 апреля 2016 г.

The labiaplasty — reduction of labia — Beautiful vulva — the poet's dream

reduction labiaplasty of the labia vulva beautiful..
Beautiful vulva is the dream of not only girls, but also their loved ones , labiaplasty is an operation according to the embodiment of the dream, for when the vulva resembles the ears of a Spaniel, it is possible to live with this almost impossible, and can only help the labiaplasty — reduction of labia!
As a gynecologist, I can say with full responsibility, girls, we all have different eyes, mouths, shapes, and different vulva), are very beautiful vulva from nature, but there are — well, just a nightmare! Comes lady at the reception, moreover, that her intimate hairstyle "I have a mom fool", so also the labia resemble a scrotum centenary of the elephant. The horror! About smells, I generally keep quiet, I'll write about it separately. Sometimes I feel like saying : "Honey, You're all gentlemen so scared!"... In General, to remove excess is never too late!

So, labiaplasty is plastic surgery on the labia, there are three types of operations — reduction of labia minora, reduction of the labia majora and an increase of the labia majora — filling them with a gel (contouring).
Especially popular labiaplasty — reduction of hypertrophic labia minora.
Many women worried about not only their size , but dark and unsightly colour. PGM change their color under the influence of hormones sperm, from constant irritation and friction during sex, narrow, tight clothes, and grow under its own weight. Also plays a role drastic weight changes in female patients, hormonal changes during pregnancy, varicose veins of the labia. In addition often one sex lip significantly bigger than the other and this also causes inferiority complex in women. Almost all women are unhappy with the appearance of their genitals have a psychological problem with sex.
Historically in Europe enlarged labia is also not given, although in the Arab countries of operation of female circumcision has ancient traditions. In recent years, and European physicians agree that the task of hypertrophied lips is not only aesthetic but also functional. On exaggerated lips often there are inflammatory changes, wounds, and abrasions. But overall hypertrophy PGM is not considered a pathology.
The goal of surgery to reduce the labia to make the beautiful vulva and labia aesthetically appealing. For shy patients, vaginal rejuvenation is a chance to radically change your life! Operation and also improves the psychological status, reduces the problems associated with sex.

The first publications on plastic surgery on the vulva — vaginal rejuvenation — appeared in medical journals in 1983. In that time we have used the undercutting along the edge of the PGM, later, many doctors began to carve out a flap of stretched lips, and the edges to sew. In my opinion after the second method is a more beautiful vulva.

reduction labiaplasty of the labia vulva beautiful
reduction labiaplasty of the labia vulva beautiful
In recent years, the number of operations to reduce the labia minora is growing rapidly, especially this contributes to their promotion of outstanding athletes and Actresses who openly discuss the results of the operation of labiaplasty and its benefits. Among all plastic operations on the female genital organs — correction of the labia minora is the most popular.
Contraindications to surgery as there are none, but women with vulvitis, vaginitis, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, the operation is not shown until complete recovery.
Vaginal rejuvenation surgery lasts about an hour, the anesthesia may be local and General. If a woman chooses General anesthesia, then she has additionally undergo x-ray examination of the lungs. Sometimes perform preoperative ultrasound examination of PGM, in the cases where one sex more than the other lip.
Together with reduction of the labia minora can be performed reduction of the labia majora or surgery for the reduction or increase of the clitoris.
Before surgery vaginal rejuvenation.
The transaction volume is determined together with the patient. To better assess the degree of increase of the labia patient is examined standing. The presence or absence of pubic hair for surgery is not relevant , but in any case you should have shaved in a week, this reduces the risk of inflammation.
After surgery.
Vaginal rejuvenation is a surgical procedure one day. On the same day a woman can leave the clinic. An antibiotic ointment treated wounds immediately after surgery and then three times a day for five days. Linings are used on all the time until complete healing of wounds. To bathe after surgery vaginal rejuvenation can in two days.
After the surgery, the woman should visit the doctor in a week and then a month later. To work is possible after three days. The first four weeks to have sex and wearing tight clothes.
Complications described women who smoke — joints and inflammation.
In most cases, women remain happy with their new beautiful vulva and it improves their mood, confidence and enhances sexuality.

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