Than vagina girls vagina is different from woman?
The woman's vagina is different from the vagina of the girls for their maturity and sweetness!
In ancient Indian treatise the entrance of the vagina referred to as the "front gates of Paradise", means for them — heaven! Vagina is a heavenly body , the giver of love and planting a corridor of life for born baby!
And what about this heaven gives Google? Wikipedia reads: "V. – the initial division of the reproductive system of females used to copulation, the oviduct..." Fe-e-e...
And on Yandex even worse, behind entirely Wikipedia : "Download free vagina closeup" and the like.
In our culture there are only two definitions of vagina — medical and bawdy. And the relation to the vagina is the same! Many women their vagina is no love and no respect and "sensitive" vagina answers them the same, indifference and insensitivity.
The vagina is a truly amazing organ that subtly reacts to the emotions of the women from fear to euphoria, the body of seduction and conquest, the main body of female passion, the entrance and exit for a new life, a barrier to disease and control psychological balance! The woman, after a wonderful vaginal orgasm calm, healthy, active, no aggression and envy. The anatomists do not consider the vagina to the senses and it is at least misleading, because the feelings that a woman experiencing due to your vagina is much stronger than all other feelings! The vagina is the organ of happiness! But not for all, for the elite))).
So, about the vagina with love!
The appearance, structure and function of the vagina depends on the age and hormonal status of the female body.
In newborn girls, the vagina is covered by a rather thick virgin hymen, with a small hole behind which it hides, a shallow, low-extensible, thin and smooth mucosa. Sometimes a newborn girl from vagina a little blood is the response of her body to the mother's hormones. Vagina little girl has special protective properties and are easy to inflammation of the vagina.
Vagina teen girl vagina girls becomes more elastic and deep, there are transverse folds, the mucous membrane becomes multilayered, the internal environment of the vagina zakislate. In the vagina there are specific beneficial microorganisms, which perform a protective function, thanks to them, disease-causing microbes do not have the conditions for reproduction and die. Vagina girl doesn't like non-physical invasions, if a girl ( woman) begins to fiercely pan for my vagina to squirt her with all sorts of concoctions, or drugs, the natural inhabitants of the vagina are killed, and for the development of pathogenic microbes create the most suitable conditions. A healthy vagina has a sour smell, due to the Bacillus of Doderlein. If they are destroyed, the smell will change. Vagina, tortured hygienic procedures, it smells of fish. Wash the genitals you need of course, but only on the outside! Inside – NEITHER NOR!
But this retreat.
Mucous in vagina girls as they Mature it becomes more humid, the amount and consistency of normal discharge depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In gynecology, the first day of menstruation is considered the first day of a new menstrual cycle. If the cycle is regular 28 days, the first 4-6 days from vagina menstrual blood, from about 6 to day 11 of the cycle selection light, transparent, relatively liquid, the mid-cycle, 12 — 13 day, when ovulation occurs (release of an egg from the ovary), vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, they were mixed with mucus from the cervical canal, such mucus good stretch, they thin thick sperm, facilitating the penetration of sperm into the cervix in the second half of the menstrual cycle vaginal secretions become more dense, sticky and whitish, in the final hours before the arrival of the next menstruation vaginal discharge little bit intensified and become more liquid. In normal vaginal discharge are acidic and are harmful to pathogenic microorganisms and spermatozoa. Weak, poor quality sperm die and only the most tenacious and active penetrate into the uterus, to compete for the right to merge with the egg.
The number of allocations depends on the hormonal Constitution of the woman, the more female hormones — estrogen in the woman's body, the more abundant her discharge, women with wide hips and a narrow waist, heavily menstruating and vaginal discharge they also have a more abundant (tender women) than women with narrow hips, broad shoulders and a boyish figure.
The woman's vagina plays a Central role in orgasm and conception, of course, under certain conditions, pregnancy can occur in women not experiencing orgasm, but the orgasm mechanism is aimed at the absorption of sperm the uterus at the time of the contractions of the vagina, uterus, pelvic floor.. Brought a woman's vagina is tight cuff covers the member, the dome of the vagina expands and creates negative pressure. Negative pressure in the vagina supports the erection member and directs the flow of sperm into the uterine cavity. The woman's vagina has the amazing ability to "adapt" to the phallus of any size, but this adaptation only happens if the woman feels strong sexual arousal. In this case, if the clitoris is the starting area, the vagina is the sexual epicenter of the explosion (though not for all women). In the vagina are the famous erogenous points G, A, U, PS and K, in some women these areas are the size of a coin, the other entire surface of the vagina — solid erogenous zone.
During pregnancy the vagina becomes more elastic and folded, separation usually worse, vaginal secretions become more acidic — this is a protective reaction of the body against many pathogenic microbes.
In childbirth the vagina is stretched so that it is able to skip the baby weight and even up to five to six kg. but sometimes there are gaps, this is more common in first births. In the postpartum period the woman's vagina very quickly recovers its former shape, is reduced and compacted. The vagina of a woman "ripens" during labor, more births, so it is more sensitive to erotic stimulation. An experienced gynecologist can always tell a loose and juicy vagina parous women from the more constricted and closed the vagina nulliparous (if the birth was vaginally and not by caesarean section), some very observant physicians can appearance of the vagina and shape of a woman, even to determine what sex do women children!
In the waning sexual function during menopause, the vagina gradually becomes thinner, drier, more vulnerable, but no less sensitive than in his youth, and a woman who knows her body and is related to vagina with love, may experience orgasm to a ripe old age.
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